Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Looks Like I Made It

Tomorrow concludes my month long grad school extravaganza. I managed to make it through alive and now I am only three courses away from completion. Not much exciting happened in these four weeks other than reading, writing of reflection papers, and attending eight hours of class three days a week. Now the really hard work begins. Mothering in the summer.

D has not coped well with the non-structure of summer. As of last night we have had to increase his meds twice. The Dr. informed me that if things settle down when school starts up again we can decrease the dose. I feel so badly for him. Today's obsession is Halloween. I know, it's July 1st. I think he may have a future in retail. I am sure by August 1st he will be making his Christmas list. In addition, to his daily obsessions he has fixated on a play date with K's kids that will take place on July 7th. Everyday there is a list of activities and food menu. Cupcakes need to be baked for this event. As I type he reminds me we need to go noooooowwwwww for plain brown bags to decorate for trick-or-treating. Each child will have a bag on this play date, because that is just how D rolls. My heart breaks for the endless running that goes on in his mind. The other day I gave him one of those big exercise balls to bounce on so he could get the wiggles out. He bounced for 20 minutes straight.

J has been going to daycare which every morning he says, "I doe wanna go to daycare." We get there and he sees his friends and I am but a memory. Today was water day so all was right with the world. Tomorrow is J's last day at daycare until I go back to work in August, so there will tears; mine not his.

In honor of finishing these many days of class, I have a very important appointment this evening in which I will have to make a critical decision. Should I pick Kreme de la Kremlin or Cosmo-Not Tonight Honey for my toe color?