Last night I was chatting with my parents, UK and D about a project that will be taking place around here on October 13th. About a month ago my brother had this company come out to his condo about putting in a closet organizer. My dad was really impressed and knowing how crappy our closets are, I gave them a call to see if we could swing a small renovation with left over tax return dollars.
Jen came out three weeks ago and gave an estimate and we are pushing forward. In her interview with me about our needs I mentioned I needed room for my shoes. She asked about how many pairs of shoes I had and my response was, "I don't even think I can guess. A lot, maybe 50."
So in mentioning this with UK he was flabbergasted. He didn't think I was serious. My mom was like, "Jen, I don't even think I have that many shoes."
So this afternoon after changing the linens in our room I sat down and counted. I was wrong I don't have 50. I have 54...but hey that includes slippers and flip flops. Carrie Bradshaw may have her Manolos from Barneys, but I have my Mossimos from Target. Is that so wrong?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
On Small Step for Man One Sure Step for J

Have you ever seen these before? I haven't, well at least until they were put on J's feet yesterday. They are called Sure Steps. I mean really is there anything else we can add to this kid's life? J's feet are "extremely pronated" and therefore he needs support in his feet/ankles to encourage him standing straighter and in turn increasing his upper trunk strength. You should see how wide his feet look in shoes. You know the song by Chris Farley, "Fat man in a little coat"? Well, this is like, "Skinny kid with fat old feet".
I was sure I would hear from J, "I don't like these. Take off NOW!" But instead I got, "Cooooool! I like it. I run fast!" And run fast he did. Proving once again I know jack shit about my kids. Step aside blogging moms, I am Mother of the Year!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
You Had Me At Aim Small Miss Small
Every year around this time I celebrate back to school with a week long viewing of "The Patriot". Thanks to TBS and TNT many of the students have seen this movie and enjoy watching it again. This year for whatever reason I have a large number of students who have not seen this movie which is fine I like to see the raw emotions they have after watching this scene.
During this scene on particular student's comments made me chuckle.
1. Miss, how could Mel Gibson do all this shit then make Passion of the Christ?
2. This is my new favorite movie.
3. Samuel and Nathan it's time to become men.
and my personal favorite in the end Mel is soaked with blood after going bat shit crazy and he says...
4. Isn't he worried about getting AIDS?
During this scene on particular student's comments made me chuckle.
1. Miss, how could Mel Gibson do all this shit then make Passion of the Christ?
2. This is my new favorite movie.
3. Samuel and Nathan it's time to become men.
and my personal favorite in the end Mel is soaked with blood after going bat shit crazy and he says...
4. Isn't he worried about getting AIDS?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
New Year, New Funny One Liners
Chapter 2: Europeans Establish New Colonies --Section 5: The Middle Colonies
Me: Current day Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn who was a Quaker. Does anyone know what a Quaker is? insert wait time here Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? What if I told you they are similar to the Amish? There are several Amish communities in Pennsylvania too.
Student: Old fashioned people.
Me: Okay. How about they way they live and their physical appearance?
Student: They don't believe in electricity.
Me: Good what else? nothing Okay, well the Amish...and when they turn 16 they have period called rumspringa in which they can leave the community and spend a year experiencing life outside of their community. This is similar to a barmitzva in the Jewish faith and for you girls who have had a quinceanera, this is the same type of thing. In a nutshell it's coming of age.
Student: So for white people like you it's their Sweet Sixteen.
Me: Yes, exactly and by exactly I mean not a thing like it at all. And just so you know the Amish and Jews are white too.
Me: Current day Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn who was a Quaker. Does anyone know what a Quaker is? insert wait time here Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? What if I told you they are similar to the Amish? There are several Amish communities in Pennsylvania too.
Student: Old fashioned people.
Me: Okay. How about they way they live and their physical appearance?
Student: They don't believe in electricity.
Me: Good what else? nothing Okay, well the Amish...and when they turn 16 they have period called rumspringa in which they can leave the community and spend a year experiencing life outside of their community. This is similar to a barmitzva in the Jewish faith and for you girls who have had a quinceanera, this is the same type of thing. In a nutshell it's coming of age.
Student: So for white people like you it's their Sweet Sixteen.
Me: Yes, exactly and by exactly I mean not a thing like it at all. And just so you know the Amish and Jews are white too.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yes, This Is My Life
Being a big bad teacher prevents me from your typical phone calls during the day. I have requested the teachers of both D and J to contact me via e-mail as it is much easier to contact me at a moments notice.
In my many years mothering D I have received many a phone call regarding D that usually begin, "Ummmm I just wanted to let you know D had a rough day." This is typically followed by some pushing, screaming, hitting or some variation thereof incident which occurred. When he is at camp and the phone rings my heart drops until I check the caller ID and then I know what will follow. "...Maybe you should come pick him up." This has happened more times than I care to remember.
The best part about your kid with Asperger's going to public school is the phone calls still happen BUT they have to keep him. Usually, I just shake my head/weep uncontrollably to my mom and encourage D to, "Be the best D you can be!"
The sinking feeling...yeah that doesn't go away though but now it's in the form of e-mails. I have received five e-mails from his inclusion facilitator in the six days he has been in school. She is a friend from grad school so I know he is in great hands but still the e-mails come with subject lines like "Update" , "Daniel" and my personal favorite "Tuesday" (or whatever day it happens to be). I am happy to report that all but one have been favorable and that one was all about how D needs to be a better sport in PE...yes, this is getting old.
Today's e-mail which caused my heart to sink was "Tuesday". Insert heart sinking here....thinking now what did he do...who pissed him off now? I'll tell you what...
I have D up in my office right now, and he had a fantastic day! He made a cool art picture in Art class that he is really proud of! He made a deal with me today that if he has a perfect week, he can make a backpack pal with me on Friday afternoon! He is really excited about it. Have a good day!
Phewwww! Then came the e-mail from the preschool teacher entitled "J". Seriously!?! What now, he is not the "problem" child a few temper tantrums here and there but what could have possibly happened between J and Girl? I will tell you what...
Just a heads up…J had quite the accident today. I think it was a “I pooped, and now I am going stick my hands in my pants to make sure” kind of a thing. By the time we noticed it was on the outside of his pants and on his back under his shirt. So we changed him and put the dirty clothes in his bag. Please send another pair or shorts/ pants when you get a chance. Just wanted to let you know!
Jealous, aren't you. FYI I forwarded it to the hubby so he could experience of an e-mail that should have read in the subject line "J: The Mad Shitter Strikes Again"!
In my many years mothering D I have received many a phone call regarding D that usually begin, "Ummmm I just wanted to let you know D had a rough day." This is typically followed by some pushing, screaming, hitting or some variation thereof incident which occurred. When he is at camp and the phone rings my heart drops until I check the caller ID and then I know what will follow. "...Maybe you should come pick him up." This has happened more times than I care to remember.
The best part about your kid with Asperger's going to public school is the phone calls still happen BUT they have to keep him. Usually, I just shake my head/weep uncontrollably to my mom and encourage D to, "Be the best D you can be!"
The sinking feeling...yeah that doesn't go away though but now it's in the form of e-mails. I have received five e-mails from his inclusion facilitator in the six days he has been in school. She is a friend from grad school so I know he is in great hands but still the e-mails come with subject lines like "Update" , "Daniel" and my personal favorite "Tuesday" (or whatever day it happens to be). I am happy to report that all but one have been favorable and that one was all about how D needs to be a better sport in PE...yes, this is getting old.
Today's e-mail which caused my heart to sink was "Tuesday". Insert heart sinking here....thinking now what did he do...who pissed him off now? I'll tell you what...
I have D up in my office right now, and he had a fantastic day! He made a cool art picture in Art class that he is really proud of! He made a deal with me today that if he has a perfect week, he can make a backpack pal with me on Friday afternoon! He is really excited about it. Have a good day!
Phewwww! Then came the e-mail from the preschool teacher entitled "J". Seriously!?! What now, he is not the "problem" child a few temper tantrums here and there but what could have possibly happened between J and Girl? I will tell you what...
Just a heads up…J had quite the accident today. I think it was a “I pooped, and now I am going stick my hands in my pants to make sure” kind of a thing. By the time we noticed it was on the outside of his pants and on his back under his shirt. So we changed him and put the dirty clothes in his bag. Please send another pair or shorts/ pants when you get a chance. Just wanted to let you know!
Jealous, aren't you. FYI I forwarded it to the hubby so he could experience of an e-mail that should have read in the subject line "J: The Mad Shitter Strikes Again"!
Monday, September 1, 2008
No Really, Are They Serious?
When I first started/thought about writing this blog I never intended it to be a platform for politics. I have learned it is one thing you don't talk about in mixed company, but today I am shocked by some things I read in a Yahoo! news story.
First of all, I don't consider myself a tree hugging liberal, right wing conservative or a feminist. I consider myself an educated working mom with real issues that impact my family. If I happen to believe Obama can fix some of those issues that is my choice. If I think McCain can that will be my choice too. I refuse to believe that because I am a woman, Palin knows my plight and if other women in this country think this...well this makes me sad.
In a blog I frequent she makes some good points about the undecided voter you can read about it here. I think she makes a valid point.
As a government teacher I am excited to teach young and naive minds about the process. I pride myself that I teach my students to listen what the candidates say and not to just look at what they see but to hear.
I hate that we have turned into a nation that likes to fit things into a neat little package. If you are against abortion you must be a Republican. Apparently I am the one who is wrong. While I would never have an abortion myself, I don't think I have any right to make that decision for someone else. If that makes me a Democrat go ahead start pointing your fingers. If I think my uncle and his partner who love each other unconditionally and are mature and responsible human beings should be able to get married before my 16 year old student who got knocked up at prom and will then turn around and ask the government to pay for their daycare and food makes a Democrat, then sign me up. What I refuse to believe is that because I am a woman and Sara Palin is a woman she must get me and therefore I am now a Republican, show me where I can burn my voter registration card.
Back to the news story here are some of my favorites, and by favorites I mean do these people smoke crack? Well, we know the answer for Rush Limbaugh.
“Palin=Guns, Babies, Jesus,” he wrote in an e-mail. “Contrast that to Obama's bitter clingers. Obama just lost blue-collar, white Democratic voters in Pennsylvania and other states.”
So if I am to understand this, all blue collar workers love Guns, Babies, and Jesus. I will be sure to put this in my notes for class.
Not only is the 44-year-old governor opposed to abortion rights — but she carried and gave birth to a child with Down syndrome earlier this year, a profound and powerful motivating force to both opponents of abortion rights and the parents and relatives of special needs children.
Are we really praising her for giving birth to a child with DS? I know there are millions of women who have done so and I would bet money some of them were Democrats. Are there that many women flocking at abortion clinics to abort children with DS? If so, I will admit that I am wrong.
There were 10 or 12 women, party stalwarts, in tears, using napkins and handkerchiefs.”
Are they sure because I bet you could say the same thing about women after Obama's speech on Thursday night.
She's one of us,” wrote Michael Bane, a prominent Colorado-based gun enthusiast who has a show on the Outdoor Channel, on his blog. “FINALLY, we can get 100 percent behind the Republican ticket ... change we can believe in!”
One of who? A woman trapped in a man's body. I think there are clinical words for those type of people. What type of change is she going to bring? I'm not quite sure. Women decorating their living rooms with their husbands' freshest kill?
I know, I might be being petty but I just don't get all the hype. But that's the thing about this country you can have your opinions and I can have mine and yet we all try to find a way to get along. Whoever you chose to vote for you have your reasons and I have mine and we don't need to debate that here. But I will leave you with this conversation D had with us in the car last weekend. Sad thing is his logic isn't much different than so many others in this country.
D: Mom who are you voting for?
Me: I don't know why?
D: I was just wondering.
Me: You really aren't supposed to ask people that. Why do you want to know?
D: I don't know. I just do. If I could vote I would vote for Obama.
Me: Why?
D: Because all the presidents have been white I think the black people need a turn.
Hubby: That really shouldn't be a reason why you vote for someone.
Me: Why not, millions of other people in this country won't for the exact opposite reason.
Hubby: Good point.
Good point indeed.
First of all, I don't consider myself a tree hugging liberal, right wing conservative or a feminist. I consider myself an educated working mom with real issues that impact my family. If I happen to believe Obama can fix some of those issues that is my choice. If I think McCain can that will be my choice too. I refuse to believe that because I am a woman, Palin knows my plight and if other women in this country think this...well this makes me sad.
In a blog I frequent she makes some good points about the undecided voter you can read about it here. I think she makes a valid point.
As a government teacher I am excited to teach young and naive minds about the process. I pride myself that I teach my students to listen what the candidates say and not to just look at what they see but to hear.
I hate that we have turned into a nation that likes to fit things into a neat little package. If you are against abortion you must be a Republican. Apparently I am the one who is wrong. While I would never have an abortion myself, I don't think I have any right to make that decision for someone else. If that makes me a Democrat go ahead start pointing your fingers. If I think my uncle and his partner who love each other unconditionally and are mature and responsible human beings should be able to get married before my 16 year old student who got knocked up at prom and will then turn around and ask the government to pay for their daycare and food makes a Democrat, then sign me up. What I refuse to believe is that because I am a woman and Sara Palin is a woman she must get me and therefore I am now a Republican, show me where I can burn my voter registration card.
Back to the news story here are some of my favorites, and by favorites I mean do these people smoke crack? Well, we know the answer for Rush Limbaugh.
“Palin=Guns, Babies, Jesus,” he wrote in an e-mail. “Contrast that to Obama's bitter clingers. Obama just lost blue-collar, white Democratic voters in Pennsylvania and other states.”
So if I am to understand this, all blue collar workers love Guns, Babies, and Jesus. I will be sure to put this in my notes for class.
Not only is the 44-year-old governor opposed to abortion rights — but she carried and gave birth to a child with Down syndrome earlier this year, a profound and powerful motivating force to both opponents of abortion rights and the parents and relatives of special needs children.
Are we really praising her for giving birth to a child with DS? I know there are millions of women who have done so and I would bet money some of them were Democrats. Are there that many women flocking at abortion clinics to abort children with DS? If so, I will admit that I am wrong.
There were 10 or 12 women, party stalwarts, in tears, using napkins and handkerchiefs.”
Are they sure because I bet you could say the same thing about women after Obama's speech on Thursday night.
She's one of us,” wrote Michael Bane, a prominent Colorado-based gun enthusiast who has a show on the Outdoor Channel, on his blog. “FINALLY, we can get 100 percent behind the Republican ticket ... change we can believe in!”
One of who? A woman trapped in a man's body. I think there are clinical words for those type of people. What type of change is she going to bring? I'm not quite sure. Women decorating their living rooms with their husbands' freshest kill?
I know, I might be being petty but I just don't get all the hype. But that's the thing about this country you can have your opinions and I can have mine and yet we all try to find a way to get along. Whoever you chose to vote for you have your reasons and I have mine and we don't need to debate that here. But I will leave you with this conversation D had with us in the car last weekend. Sad thing is his logic isn't much different than so many others in this country.
D: Mom who are you voting for?
Me: I don't know why?
D: I was just wondering.
Me: You really aren't supposed to ask people that. Why do you want to know?
D: I don't know. I just do. If I could vote I would vote for Obama.
Me: Why?
D: Because all the presidents have been white I think the black people need a turn.
Hubby: That really shouldn't be a reason why you vote for someone.
Me: Why not, millions of other people in this country won't for the exact opposite reason.
Hubby: Good point.
Good point indeed.
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