If you recognize this quote, I reserve the right to call you a big dork. I needed a quote from the movie and this one seemed most appropriate. I had to ask my husband because I found this movie to be utterly painful. To this day, I still don't understand all the hubub over this movie, or shall I say cinematic pleasure? It just so happens this quote perfectly fit my classroom scene today.
Me: ....in the 1820s America was experiencing a Second Great Awakening. This was a time in which there were new religions. One example was a religious group known as Unitarians. Unitarians saw God as a single being instead of a "Trinity". Where are my Catholics? What does that mean "trinity" insert chirping crickets.... Anyone? What is the trinity? crickets.... Seriously, you can't tell me what the trinity is?
J: The Matrix! The Matrix!
Me: Yes, J that is exactly what the trinity is. A movie about dudes running around in long black shiny trench coats. Or maybe, just maybe it is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Ya, think?
J: Looking confused...I guess.
Insert class laughing here
This of course prompted me to tell the story of one of my favorite students from back in the day when I taught Catholic school. I loved that school and loved how I could always lay on the Catholic guilt, guilt free.
One day J.N. a sweet, yet not so bright 6th grader, was doing something which prompted me to say to him, "Now J, that isn't a very Christian thing to do."
He looked at me confused, thought for a moment and said, "I thought I was Catholic."
To whit I responded, "Good news J, today you get two for the price of one."
See there, the title was fitting. Now my husband is good for three things (don't pressure me and ask for a list).
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