Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Classroom Cleanout

As another school year comes to a close, I have been cleaning out drawers, folders, cabinets and such. I came across a note I received at the beginning of the school year. I saved this letter because in my 14 years of teaching it was quite possibly the funniest note I have ever received from a parent.

Every year when we teach the American Revolution we show The Patriot (for its historical accuracy of course). The movie is rated R so permission slips are required. In typical sophomore fashion they forget/lose them. In such an instance I tell the students to have their parent write a note giving them permission to watch the movie. This is note I received on a ripped 1/4 piece of crumpled up notebook paper.

"Billy has my permission to watch a x-rayed movie."

To answer your questions...
1. I don't show porn...unless historically accurate.
2. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

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