Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why I Love My Job #2

This year I volunteered to facilitate a class at school called Tomcat Time. Basically this is an advisory/make you feel good about yourself class for students. The school piloted the program last year and due to its success expanded it this year. The idea is to take a group of 15-20 (in my case only 11) students either all boys or all girls pair them up with a teacher who is the same sex and guide them through life in high school all four years (or in our school 5-6 years).

When this program was first discussed I was on maternity leave and wasn't involved so, in its inception year I was not a part of this. At the end of last school year the principal asked me to take a Tomcat Time which I agreed to with one stipulation. I wanted boys. Girl high school drama does not appeal to me. Plus should these girls ever get into a fight for sure blood would be shed. Luckily there was a shortage of male teachers so my request was granted.

On the first day introduction, I mentioned their former Tomcat Time teacher had taken a new job and weren't they lucky to have me?!? I told them not to worry because as a mom of two boys, I "knew about boy parts." This made them chuckle.

Fast forward to last week. Here is a trascript of a day in the life of my Tomcat Time. This was a discussion between myself and two sophomore boys, J & E.

J:Miss(more on this title later) name 10 words that begin with "J".

Me: Jump. Jolly

J: No, they have to be nouns.

Me: hmmm Jelly.......javelin....

E: joker....

we look at each other thinking intensely when....

E: (excitedly and loudly) JIZZ. JIZZ begins with J.

Me: (uncontrollable laughter) Yes, Jizz does begin with J.

E: Let's look it up in the dictionary and see if it's there.

Me: Let's just say you are right and call it a day.

E: That was funny, wasn't it Miss?

Me: Yes it was E.

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