Monday, March 31, 2008

How I Spent My Spring Break

From my favorite student...the one with a long coat is a trench.

M: Hey Miss, how was your spring break?

Me: Good and you? I pretty much slept in everyday.

M: I went to Tennessee to see my boyfriend.

Me: Oh, did he move down there?

M: No, I visited him in prison.

Me: Ohhhh, how did that go?

M: Good, it was weird though. He is like next to where those really bad dudes are. You know like the ones who wear those helmets and shit like in Silence of the Lambs. My boyfriend says those guys are crazy and they just like throw their shit all over the place. laughter Isn't that crazy, Miss.

Me: Yes, that is crazy M.

Ahhh yes, this brings back memories of my life in suburbia when my high school boyfriend was in the clink.

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