Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's Not A Fallback Career Anymore

Setting: 5/6th Period U.S. History (this seems to be a trend)
Task: Silent seat work

Me: Don't forget if you were absent the day before break you need to make time to come in and take the essay test either before or after school.

K: Miss, I still have to do that, right?

Me: Yes K.

K: Man oh maaaaannnnn I ain't never gonna catch up. Miss, how old do you have to be to drop out?

Me: 17. Is this what you are thinking about doing?

K: Yeah, it's just too much work.

Me: That's too bad. I don't think a 17 y/o with out a high school diploma will have much luck in life.

B: Yeah, K good luck finding a job.

K: Maybe I could be a stripper.

J: It's not that easy to be a stripper. You have to take classes and stuff. You just don't sign up at a strip place. You have to take like a bunch of aerobics classes.

Me: laughing You can't be serious! Do you really believe that? Where do you go Stripper U?

J: No, Miss it's true. There are a lot of things you have to learn.

Me: Hmmm...who'da thunk it.

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