Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Side Bar

Setting: 5/6th Period U.S. History
Topic: The Cold War
Mode of Instruction: Notes on overhead projector

Me: ...so the Big 3, known as who again?

B: hand goes half way up indicating she is unsure of her answer but will try anyway (or so I thought) Okay, well I don't have the answer, but did you ever see the movie "Look Who's Talking"?

Me: Yeeeessss...

B: You know in the beginning where that little sperm thingy is swimming toward the egg...

Me: Go on....

B: Well, you see that piece of fuzz on the overhead, like blowin' around? It looks like that.

Me: wide eyed Okayyyy, so the Big 3...anyone?? Please!

Not only is that story funny in and of itself (or at least I think so) it was the second reference to the same crappy movie in a period of 3 hours.

While working in my room during my prep hour my friend D came in the room. My iPod was playing Pete Townshend's "Let My Love Open The Door" and D says, "You know what this song reminds me of? That movie "Looking Who's Talking" or was it "Look Who's Talking Too." How random, don't you think?

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