Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pause For A Conference

About three months ago my AP asked me to go to this conference in April because she said, "I think you would be good at this. We need someone who is detailed oriented. Take a look at it and tell me what you think." A week goes by and I say, "Yes, looks good BUT it's a three day sleep away conference. I have two kids, a husband, grad school, and three days away from the classroom...that is a lot of lesson planning." Three weeks ago my itinerary came in the mail.

Off to Itasca I go. Luckily, I live only 25 minutes away, so I have been coming home in the evenings. I digress. This afternoon we were given a two hour break. I retreated to my "room" where two of my fellow teachers are staying. When this happens.

Y: (young first year health teacher) Hey, do you guys wanna see something funny?

Me: Of course.

Y: I asked my health class to write down three questions they have about sex ed.

Me: Please!! Give me those now! I guarantee this will be AWESOME!!! Lemme read 'em.

These are my Top 5. I also told Y under no circumstances is she to throw these away! Keep in mind my spelling is to give the effect of theirs.

1. Why does a girl bleed after they have sex for the first time?
My suggested answer for Y: Those are the tears of Jesus crying for you because you are no longer a virgin.

2. Is Mountain Dew the only pop that takes sperms away?

3. Does sex hurt?
My answer: Depends on the guy.

4. When you have anel sex does poop just come out real easy aftewards?

5. Can you get pregnate if you swallow the guys stuff from his privates?

Again, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

1 comment:

Liz said...

There just isn't enough "oy" in the world to cover this...