Friday, June 13, 2008

Hail To A Possible Chief

Those of you who know me know my aunt who lives in NJ. Today she sent a photo packed e-mail. She happened to be driving through this quaint little town in NJ and look who she saw. Here are my observations/comments.

1. Who names these buses? Straight Talk Express? Considering who's inside isn't that an oxymoron?

2. Look at that HOT Secret Service guy! Not sure but he might be the one in the sunglasses.

3. No sunglasses but just as HOT. I think he is saying to himself, "Look, the lady with the camera and silver fox hair, isn't she the one with the gorgeous niece in Chicago I would love to meet?"

4. He does look kinda old. I mean I always thought Ronald Reagan looked real old but when he was in office I was 8-16 so a little perspective.

While I might not be voting for this particular man come November, I do think it would have been neat to meet him. Please don't tell my future husband John Cusack who needs my help.

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