Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Year, New Funny One Liners

Chapter 2: Europeans Establish New Colonies --Section 5: The Middle Colonies

Me: Current day Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn who was a Quaker. Does anyone know what a Quaker is? insert wait time here Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? What if I told you they are similar to the Amish? There are several Amish communities in Pennsylvania too.

Student: Old fashioned people.

Me: Okay. How about they way they live and their physical appearance?

Student: They don't believe in electricity.

Me: Good what else? nothing Okay, well the Amish...and when they turn 16 they have period called rumspringa in which they can leave the community and spend a year experiencing life outside of their community. This is similar to a barmitzva in the Jewish faith and for you girls who have had a quinceanera, this is the same type of thing. In a nutshell it's coming of age.

Student: So for white people like you it's their Sweet Sixteen.

Me: Yes, exactly and by exactly I mean not a thing like it at all. And just so you know the Amish and Jews are white too.

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