Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yes, This Is My Life

Being a big bad teacher prevents me from your typical phone calls during the day. I have requested the teachers of both D and J to contact me via e-mail as it is much easier to contact me at a moments notice.

In my many years mothering D I have received many a phone call regarding D that usually begin, "Ummmm I just wanted to let you know D had a rough day." This is typically followed by some pushing, screaming, hitting or some variation thereof incident which occurred. When he is at camp and the phone rings my heart drops until I check the caller ID and then I know what will follow. "...Maybe you should come pick him up." This has happened more times than I care to remember.

The best part about your kid with Asperger's going to public school is the phone calls still happen BUT they have to keep him. Usually, I just shake my head/weep uncontrollably to my mom and encourage D to, "Be the best D you can be!"

The sinking feeling...yeah that doesn't go away though but now it's in the form of e-mails. I have received five e-mails from his inclusion facilitator in the six days he has been in school. She is a friend from grad school so I know he is in great hands but still the e-mails come with subject lines like "Update" , "Daniel" and my personal favorite "Tuesday" (or whatever day it happens to be). I am happy to report that all but one have been favorable and that one was all about how D needs to be a better sport in PE...yes, this is getting old.

Today's e-mail which caused my heart to sink was "Tuesday". Insert heart sinking here....thinking now what did he do...who pissed him off now? I'll tell you what...

I have D up in my office right now, and he had a fantastic day! He made a cool art picture in Art class that he is really proud of! He made a deal with me today that if he has a perfect week, he can make a backpack pal with me on Friday afternoon! He is really excited about it. Have a good day!

Phewwww! Then came the e-mail from the preschool teacher entitled "J". Seriously!?! What now, he is not the "problem" child a few temper tantrums here and there but what could have possibly happened between J and Girl? I will tell you what...

Just a heads up…J had quite the accident today. I think it was a “I pooped, and now I am going stick my hands in my pants to make sure” kind of a thing. By the time we noticed it was on the outside of his pants and on his back under his shirt. So we changed him and put the dirty clothes in his bag. Please send another pair or shorts/ pants when you get a chance. Just wanted to let you know!

Jealous, aren't you. FYI I forwarded it to the hubby so he could experience of an e-mail that should have read in the subject line "J: The Mad Shitter Strikes Again"!

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